
Monday, May 27, 2013

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Like Leaves

This day has had a very odd feel for me. I walked about 9 or 10 miles this morning. Just walking in circles really. Towards the parkway. Hope the biker found the motorcycle shop in Laurel Fork. I didn't even know we had one. Sweet Bike Though. New projects didn't come in till late. A wonderful surprise of beautiful flowers and a balloon from my big sis. Cool and fun stuff happening on a new project Chris and I are working on. Crazy weather. And the news about Desia. I didn't know her very well. We spoke a few times when I worked at walmart and afterwards too. You couldn't really live in the area and go to Galax without knowing or at least seeing Desia. My heart sunk when mom told me and I couldn't say anything.
The roller coaster ride of this day reminds me that we are here, experiencing every emotion. And yes there are so many that rip our hearts out. But if we will understand that, no matter what we believe, we are energy, that very same energy that makes up the entire Universe, and we cannot be destroyed, we can be comforted. Cover yourself in the warm blanket of your faith, or in your knowledge. Your family or your own Spirit. We have one another, for how ever long we are here. And once someone has moved on physically, we still have them with us. They are inside of us. Grieve. Bring your sorrows close to you. Acknowledge them and let them go. Like leaves, we grow, bring life, and shade, fall to the ground and then are born once again. Rejoice in the never ending cycle that is life.
- Michael Miller

New Cartoon Impression Voiceovers coming to

We've got a Great New Voice Over Impression Coming Up soon @!!! Two Actually! So if you are a fan of the old cartoons, you'll LOVE this. It is so dead on you won't believe it!

Stay Tuned Poetry Fans!

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Some of my "very laid back" voice over work for Big Cat Rescue & some words

Some of my friends were curious to hear the projects I've done for Big Cat Rescue. I'm super happy to share it with everyone. But not only is BCR an amazing place with a beautiful mission, they have a pure heart. They have written this about me and what I do.

Professional Voice Talent by:

Michael Miller has created all of the audio files for the big cat bios on this page and for our Vox guided tour system.  He has been a true joy to work with and has a passion for protecting cats.  If you need any kind of voice work, we highly recommend Michael, not only for his talent, but because of his integrity and his inspiring sense of gratitude.

What does one say about something so kind? Words are not enough to express my joy.

Please check out Big Cat Rescue. See what they do for the Big Cats and really for wildlife in general. Support them with a donation if you are able. Visit the Sanctuary in Tampa and spread the word about this incredible organization that I have been blessed to be a part of!

With that, please enjoy the dulcet tones of Harry Connick... Okay, it's just me.

Monday, May 20, 2013

Looking for a Great Royalty Free Music Package?

I hope you'll check out our new friend, Chan Redfield. His high quality production 27 song music library is 100% royalty free, ready to use for TV, Radio, You Tube, Podcasts etc. And an absolute bargain at $25.00

Visit Chan today and tell him that sent you!

Professional Voice Overs from just $37.50 per :60 and some of the Best Royalty Free Music Beds I've heard. A Winning Combination for sure!


Thursday, May 9, 2013

Sometimes I feel a lot like Christopher McCandless (Alexander Supertramp)

I watched a movie yesterday that I said I'd never watch again. (watch out for the law of attraction) It compelled me to write my story "Anchor" this morning.  The movie is called Into the Wild. Such a sad movie and yet so full of hope. Sometimes I feel a lot like Christopher (Alexander Supertramp) in this movie and I think if I had known I had the choice... in other words, if I knew then what I know now, I might have done exactly what he did. Burn all of my money and I.D.s, and walk out on society and into the wild. If you can deal with the feel of the movie and it interests you, watch it. If not, perhaps do what I'm going to do next; read the book. " I knew all the rules but the rules did not know me. "

"In a compelling book that evokes the writings of Thoreau, Muir, and Jack London, Krakauer recounts the haunting and tragic mystery of 22-year-old Chris McCandless who disappeared in April 1992 into the Alaskan wilderness in search of a raw, transcendent experience." - (Source Review)

Guaranteed - Eddie Vedder
On bended knee is no way to be free
Lifting up an empty cup, I ask silently
All my destinations will accept the one that's me
So I can breathe...
Circles they grow and they swallow people whole
Half their lives they say goodnight to wives they'll never know
A mind full of questions, and a teacher in my soul
And so it goes...
Don't come closer or I'll have to go
Holding me like gravity are places that pull
If ever there was someone to keep me at home
It would be you...
Everyone I come across, in cages they bought
They think of me and my wandering, but I'm never what they thought
I've got my indignation, but I'm pure in all my thoughts
I'm alive...
Wind in my hair, I feel part of everywhere
Underneath my being is a road that disappeared
Late at night I hear the trees, they're singing with the dead
Leave it to me as I find a way to be
Consider me a satellite, forever orbiting
I knew all the rules, but the rules did not know me

Love is an Anchor That sets you to sail

I am realizing that, for most of my life, I have been unanchored. Sure, every once in awhile, someone or some thing, anchors me. But for the most part I drift through this life, tossing myself here and there, with no set destination.

I wonder how many others feel this way. And what, if anything anchors you. Usually what winds up anchoring me is a sense of responsibility. A knowing that I must, or should care for some one, and until the responsibility is at its end, I will continue to be anchored to whatever it is that keeps me hovering over that important mission.

There is one other factor that anchors me. Love. I've felt this a few times in this life. Love will spin my compass out of control. It's not that I ever really know where I'm going in the first place, but Love will question any supposed direction. Not so long ago, I was ready to pack up and move to Belize or back to Hawaii. Some tropical destination. No plan. No money. I'd just do it for the adventure. And Love came, like a hurricane. I was hit hard. My intention was twirled around. And you know what? I didn't care. I was changing course and I didn't even know it. Until Love threw me up on shore and left me, like a fiery red sun setting and turning my world dark. It was then, in the quiet and the blackness that I knew, without a doubt, that I was heavily anchored. Anchored to Love and it wasn't even there. Anchored, but not knowing where I was, or where I was going, or if I would even go anywhere ever again.

But I awoke to a splendorous Light. And she burst forth from every direction, even from within me. And in that moment, I knew the incredible truth. Love is an Anchor. But it sets you to sail. She will come around again. She must. Because Love itself, is within you, always.

We can be anchored and still sail. Our raft is our home. And our home is everywhere.


For you. You have forever changed my life and my direction.

Michael Miller

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

All Riled Up!

You see, you can get all riled up over something, like your phone number disappearing... or you can make it better! Check out our contact page @ for our new, super cool 'voice' number and a fast, easy way to contact us!

Monday, May 6, 2013

New KSPK Old Time Radio Promo for Catfish Morning Show

I'm always so pleased to work with my fellow radio friends on promo material for their morning shows. Here's my latest creation, played on The "Catfish" for Breakfast show.

Hear the aircheck with the Catfish Promo Spot

You can hear Catfish from 6 to 10 AM every Monday thru Friday on KSPK 102.3 FM in Southern Colorado.

Have a promo, commercial spot or voiceover that you'd like me to voice for you?

Visit and contact us today.
Professional - Affordable  - Fast
Up to 70% less than the Big Voice Sites
We work with almost every budget

Man that Header is an eye sore!

We're working on a new way to incorporate this blog so that it promotes both sites. A new, much better looking logo is on the way. For now.... umm, yeah.


Saturday, May 4, 2013

I'm so happy to be the voice for Big Cat Rescue!

More than any project I've done in the past 6 months, Big Cat Rescue is the one I'm proudest of. Not because of my laid back, almost NPR, story time delivery. Because this organization is the definition of Love for animals. Particularly the Lions, Tigers, Cougars, Servals, Sand Cats... all the Big Cats.

They not only Love what they do. They ARE what they do. I've rarely seen an organization so 100% full throttle with their mission. It is breath taking. A friend of mine visited BCR a few years ago and seems to be in agreement with this statement.

Thank you Big Cat Rescue! Thank you for caring. Thank you for educating. Thank you for allowing me to be a small part of your mission. I am truly honored!

With Gratitude,


Big Cat Rescue written and Audio Bios

Donate to Big Cat Rescue

Get Tickets

Big Cat Rescue
12802 Easy Street
Tampa, FL 33625

Friday, May 3, 2013

A Dream about the Dalai Lama, Bob, Pizza Slices Prices, Forward Women and Bad Drivers

I had a wild dream this morning about meeting the Dalai Lama. The Dalai Lama, himself. Twelfth son of the Lama. The flowing robes, the grace, bald... striking. So, I'm on the first tee with him. I give him the driver. He hauls off ... Wait! Wrong story.
Anyway, I am talking with him on the phone and as dreams go, he winds up in front of me on the couch. He says that my problem is I never follow through. I give up too easily. I agree that has always been my issue. Now we're sitting at the dinner table when another Monk begins to chant. Some friends of mine, who are all Christians, are sitting at the other table and the owner of the house gets angry and offended by the chanting and says "Alright Bob, that's it for you!" And the Monk is escorted out. About that time, The Dalai Lama gets a huge smile on his face and begins chanting too. He does not wait to be escorted out, but just gets up to leave. I put my arm around his shoulder and walk him to the car. We hug and say our goodbyes and people comment that I have done things for the first time that no one dared. I guess they meant hugging and just being a normal person with the Lama.
I head back to the house. A woman on the front porch makes an advance to me so I ask her to wait. I find my former girlfriend to ask if we're still dating. She says, "Not while pizza is still $39 a slice." I walk away, more confused than ever.
Next thing I know, I'm in the car with my father and he's driving strangely. Says it's okay because he has a permit from someone but he's still on the lookout for police while he turns around on a freeway entrance. - End dream. NO! I did not have spicy food yesterday.